Photo Gallery of the Actual Renovation


Renovation Themes

Are you renovating or upgrading your house? You can focus by area size, budget, interior style, property type, and/or room using the hundreds of interior design projects and photos we have from our interior designers. Speak to us now.

Sengkang East Way - Executive Apartment

Jurong East Street 24 - 4 ROOM HDB (Resale)

Pasir Ris Drive 4 - 4 ROOM HDB (RESALE)

Yishun Ave 4 - 4 ROOM HDB (RESALE)

Punggol Walk (Waterway Terraces II) - 5 ROOM HDB (BTO)

Sumang Lane (Matilda Court) - 4 ROOM HDB (BTO)

Wellington Circle (Montreal Spring) - 4 ROOM HDB (RESALE)

Ang Mo Kio Ave 8 (Cheng San Crest) - 4 ROOM HDB (RESALE)

Buangkok Crescent - 4 ROOM HDB (BTO)

Edgefield Plains - 5 ROOM HDB (Resale)

Bukit Batok Street - 3 ROOM HDB (Resale)

Here are some things you should consider and decide if you don't know where to begin while planning the layout of your house:

  • Consider the needs of the individual who will be using the area. Conduct your own research, save images, and present them to your designer. Keep an open mind to the designer's suggestions while being aware of the elements that are a must-have in your design.

  • Don't overlook utility in favor of aesthetics. Simulate daily motions by moving around the room or unit while opening kitchen cabinets and navigating the rest of the house. Understand the flow of the situation.

  • Electrical work should be carefully planned, taking into account that some minor hacking and making good would be required for rewiring. Where will your router be installed, and where do you require power points?

  • Avoid falling for the cheap renovation packages. Examine their offerings and consider whether they would work in your setting.